

Thursday, October 30, 2008

What If?

What if the modern knowledge of our universe changed. What if planet earth and the vastness of the ever expanding universe was a part of something greater. If it was all compressed into a small atom of say a leaf cell of a far bigger planet, and thus a far bigger galaxy making an infinite amount of planets and universes that could be bigger or smaller than ours. Just think of how big our universe is and then how big space is, and try to comprehend it being compressed into a small cell of something on a planet trillions and trillions of times larger than ours. The volume of "space" (or room), able to hold everything in it is not comprehdable. I suppose the term "space" or amount of room that could hold everything together would be non existant. Think of a house, and how big that house would have to be to hold an object(s) that would have an unlimited amount of mass.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dangers of Unimportance

The ending of the short story The Lottery, relates to the events that happen in the movie Equilibrium. In The Lottery, the village of 300 people draw from a mysterious box that ulitmatly decide wether they live or die. Towards the end of the story a character named Tessie, who was ironicaly late to the draw, name was chosen from the black box. She was chased by the villagers and stoned to death. This story relates to the movie Equilibrium because in the movie the citizens are expected to report one another if they don't take their "feeling suppressor" control drug called Prozium. If caught not taking the drug, they are put to death by incineration. Both of these peices show how a society that are close to one another (in terms of knowing or aware of who people are in your community) will have no problem stoning their fellow person, or in the case of the movie, reporting them which ultimatly leads to the death of their fellow citizens, even if it is their family members.

Eli Wiesel's speech Directly relates to the story The Lottery. In Eli Wiesel's speech he says "In the place that I come from, society was composed of three simple categories: the killers, the victims, and the bystanders". He is talking about how although America was valliant and couragous for liberating him and his fellow people from Auchwitz, they knew what was happening with the jews in Germany long before they made an attempt to do anything about it, and how the St Louis ship full of 1000 jews landed on American soil, but were later rejected back to Nazi Germany and put to death. Eli Wiesel's quote relates to The Lottery and how the villagers are basically either killers, victims, or bystanders. All of the villagers, before the drawing of the names, are normal people that are living their life. But as soon as a name is drawn, that person becomes a victim, while all others become killers and bystanders.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Review

In this review about Dallon's shirt, I will be covering four main categories. The first being the price, second being visual appeal, third being comfort, and fourth being durability. Most of the "data" for this review will be based off of Dallon's response to my questions as I will obviously not be wearing his shirt because that is a little strange. Just to clarify his shirt is longsleeved, and the size is medium.

To start off this fun little review, the cost of his shirt as he recalls was $60.00 Canadian. That price seems a little high for the visual quality you get out when looking at it, but you can expect that price range when shopping in Penticton. I would rank the price category a good 7/10 because although it is a little pricey, it is Penticton that we are living in and all "Skateboard" shirts are way overpriced.

Next on the list is visual appeal. I unfortunatly have to score this category quite low. Sorry Dallon, but your shirt isn't quite up to par with todays standards. I dont know where to start, the color of a slightly rotten orange peel doesn't seem to suit the shirts of today. A question that I would like to ask the company who made the shirt is why is there a small little faded logo on the front, while there is an overized jumble of words seeming to explode out of the depths of eternity from his back. I will give the category of visual appeal a meager 4/10.

I can't say much about comfort, other than the shirt looks like your upper body would be surrounded by sandpaper, aggrivating your skin everytime you make the slightest move. Whoever fassioned this shirt together must have been forced at gunpoint to make it, because it shouldn't be in production. This category gets a 2/10.

Now the duribility category scores quite hight. The shirt is approx. 1 year old. Considering that it has no rips or tears, no protruding fibres popping out of annoying spots, it is still in good condition. The sleeves and neck are still intact. I am sure that it has been washed quite a few times through its life, although it is a rather odd colour it is not faded in any way. This category gets a respectable 9/10.

An identical shirt
to Dallon's.
Just kidding.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Top 3

The top 3 funniest actors on this planet are as follows: Jim Carrey, Seth Rogan, and Steve Carell. The Criteria is based on who has done the most funny movies.

Jim Carrey - A classic comedian that is known for contorting his face in obscene ways, was born and raised in Canada. He has done a number of hilarious movies that are geared towards both kids and adults. A few of these movies include: Ace Ventura, Dumb and Dumber, The Cable Guy, Liar Liar, Bruce Almighty, The Truman Show, and Me Myself And Irene.

Steve Carell - Another Classic comedian that was born the same year as Jim Carrey, but in the U.S. as opposed to Canada. He has appeared in such movies as Bruce Almighty, Anchorman, The-40-Year-Old-Virgin, and Get Smart. He also starred in a very funny remake of the original British T.V. series The Office.

Seth Rogan - A newer face on the comedy scene, and another Canadian born actor that has co-written and appeared in movies such as the 40-Year-Old-Virgin, Knocked Up, Pineapple Express, Stepbrothers, and Superbad.